Anti-aging research billion per year industry rakes, powerful production company dominates the global market for beauty products, and celebrities on the cover of magazines thinner, more beautiful and younger, one wonders ... are expensive creams, cosmetic surgery and other methods of extreme beauty is the only way to win the race against time?
With my 35th birthday just passed, friends and customers are often shocked when I say that I have never used an anti-Aging products, or even a face! When I asked what I do tends to defy the aging process and my response to it, people are surprised.
The things I do to make me feel young inside and out, has nothing to do with spite and everything to do with health. These are my tips on how you can look and feel young, of course, and without breaking the bank or resorting to painful methods:
1 / ELIMINATE negative self-talk: Self-talk has been shown in medical research and communicationImpact on the states of health professionals. Every time a negative thought in your head, you get to feel bad. Whenever you feel bad toxic chemicals released in your brain and travel through the body.
This leads to poor health. And poor health causes premature aging of the skin. So if you want to live longer, feel healthier and look younger, it's a good idea to close this shit idea and start feeding your mind the most useful ideas that you feel better to do most of the time .And 'here that Richard Bandler (NLP concept of) the famous mantra comes in handy. Tell yourself what the fuck you shut up!
2 / minimize stress: Dr. Elissa EPEL led a study of stress, the University of California, San Francisco, about 5 years ago. For the first time, research shows that stress speeds the aging process by damaging the DNA.
Have you ever met a person under stress so much that years before your eyes? President seems to happen for a period or two, and maybe younoticed something similar in your mirror.
But there is a silver lining on the horizon, we are able to compensate for the effects of stress. When Brian Colbert, author of The Happiness Habit, says that if you care to look in a constructive way.
Start getting more useful questions like: What is the most useful, and now? What do I do it? What needs to happen, will happen to it? What can I do now to feel better and more relaxed? Useful questions lead to usefulAnswers.
3 / Fall In Love: The true health begins with the acceptance and love for themselves. If you disagree with you or your life is happy now, it is important that you make the bits you like to identify the bits that you want to do something to improve and appreciate it.
When Owen Fitzpatrick, author of not enough hours, says: You're not what you do, you're everything that you can be the best.
So it makes sense to continually improve ourselves so that we can lovemore and become the person you want to be. If you're lucky, we feel connected with other people, feel respected and valued by other people, and have a sense of belonging, then you might have more than a lot of people around the world. So one of the keys to staying young is to love and appreciate themselves and life!
4 / wrinkles LAUGH OUT: I heard some famous people to avoid smiling in an attempt to keep wrinkles at bay. In fact, there are indications to the contrarytrue!
Laughter strengthens the immune system, reduces pain, relaxes muscles and helps prevent heart disease. A good laugh relieves tension and physical stress, adds the joy and the joy of living, alleviate fear and anxiety, improves mood and increases the duration. Laughter strengthens the relationship and makes us more attractive to others!
My advice for a young man more handsome you are looking for: to go see a funny movie or TV show, a comedy club to hang with people who share a funny jokeor a funny story, host game night with friends, laughing a yoga class, do something silly for no reason!
5 / weightlifting: I remember a show where Oprah tried the oldest people in the world, in an attempt to discover the secrets of their longevity and good health. From America to Europe to Asia, all shared a common denominator: they all were very active. I clearly remember that 100 years American woman said, he lifted weights every day. Ewere not free weights 2 pounds!
Strength training strengthens bones and muscles, tones the body and stimulates metabolism. It also improves balance and coordination, burns lots of calories, and has been shown to increase your self-esteem! All the essential ingredients for a young and vibrant body and mind.
6 / eat what they are genetically programmed to EAT: I'm lucky, Phil Richards, world-renowned nutritionist who works with the top Olympic athletes to perform well andwell-known personalities. I visited his seminars on health, examined and took my blood from the brain without end. It seems that the reason we are getting older faster because you do not eat is to eat foods that are genetically programmed.
Apparently, because the age of the caves, although we have developed technologically impressive lengths, our digestive system develops only about 1%! Phil advice that adhere to a diet of drinking water, vegetables, nuts, berries, seeds and proteinThe form of good quality eggs, fish and lean meat. Keep it fresh, seasonal, and unprocessed foods, and eat mostly raw food.
7 / QUIT film technology chemicals on the skin: Have you ever examined the ingredients list on regular skin care products? Most skin care products you buy contain harmful chemicals.
These chemicals not only harm the skin, can also be very bad effects on your health. Most of the ingredients used in skin care products, petroleum productsexplosives and solvents, carcinogens that affect your health long term. Will primarily be used by many cosmetic companies because they are inexpensive and can be easily stored on shelves for several days.
Stay young and avoid chemicals such as mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, paraben preservatives, talc, lanolin, artificial fragrances, polyethylene glycol, phenol. Stick to natural products for face care and body, with a few ingredients that you can say and willto understand.
Follow these tips and suggestions, as it lives, how do you feel about your young and beautiful even free!